Evangelism as Hope
Ryan Pflasterer Ryan Pflasterer

Evangelism as Hope

Who is the Holy Spirit and why did Jesus send him to indwell all believers? This must have been a question Jesus’ disciples asked when the Lord promised to send Him. They would soon find out that among other things, the Holy Spirit would use them to share the good news of Jesus with the world. In our Acts reading today, Philip the Evangelist was sent by the Spirit to share the gospel with an Ethiopian Eunuch. Join us as Fr. Ben Williams encourages us to obey the voice of the Holy Spirit and share the gospel of Jesus as he guides us.

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The Good Shepherd
Ryan Pflasterer Ryan Pflasterer

The Good Shepherd

As we celebrate our first anniversary of weekly services, what lies ahead for Mission Saint James? Whether changes are planned or simply occur, circumstances rarely remain static. This reality is evident in the 23rd Psalm. This week, Fr. Ben Williams reminds us that Jesus, our Good Shepherd, is in control, no matter what our circumstances may be. He unites us and is our ultimate safety.

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The Tangible Body
Ryan Pflasterer Ryan Pflasterer

The Tangible Body

The Church is a collection of believers in Jesus. This is the case whether they are gathered in a local church or not. If the Church is also the Body of Christ, what might his physical, bodily, and tangible resurrection mean for the Church’s existence on earth? This week, Fr. Ben Williams challenges our assumptions of the nature of the Church. She is not only an invisible and spiritual reality, but, like Christ’s bodily resurrection, She is a very real and tangible reality as well. 

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This Changes Everything
Ben Williams Ben Williams

This Changes Everything

Imagine what it would be like to be born blind, without any concept of color or light. You would be dependent upon those around you to describe reality, what is true. But what you really want is to see it for yourself. On this Palm Sunday, we enter into worship with the joy of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem only to end at the cross of his crucifixion. The irony is that until Jesus, who is the Truth and Light, breathes his final breath, no one recognizes who he really is. Join us as Fr. Ben Williams explains that that death of Jesus changes everything.

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God’s Perfect Law
Ben Williams Ben Williams

God’s Perfect Law

Why is the Bible full of rules and “thou shalt nots”? How can Psalms speak of delighting in God’s Law when they seem so restrictive and arbitrary? This week, Deacon Kevin Vailes helps us understand the purpose of the Law, which is to show us God’s character as well as our own sin. Join us on this third Sunday of the Season of Lent as we delight together in God’s perfect law.

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One Sent
Ben Williams Ben Williams

One Sent

What are missionaries and how can the Church support them? This Sunday is World Missions Sunday in the ACNA. One of our resident missionaries, Matt Wright, with The 631 Solution encourages us to pray for those who have left everything behind and have been sent to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the world. Join us as we hear of the needs every missionary faces and how the Church can support those we send.

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Instructed Eucharist
Ben Williams Ben Williams

Instructed Eucharist

Why do people bow at the mention of Jesus’ name? Why do people cross themselves? What is the significance of taking communion every week? Why do Anglicans worship the way we do? This Sunday we hold what we call an Instructed Eucharist. Instead of a sermon, we take periodic pauses and teach through the service. Join Fr. Ben Williams for this informative service.

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Casting & Mending
Ben Williams Ben Williams

Casting & Mending

When Jesus began his public ministry, he preached a very simple message. “The Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the good news.” This week, we meet the first disciples Jesus calls to follow him: Peter, Andrew, James, and John. Fr. Ben Williams looks at the significance of what these disciples were doing when they were called. The message Christians are to continue proclaiming must be accompanied by the call to repentance. Otherwise, we are casting broken nets as we seek to obey Jesus’ call to fish for men and women.

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Active Listening
Ben Williams Ben Williams

Active Listening

How do we hear God speaking to us? This is a crucial question and we find some answers in the Old Testament prophet, Samuel. Just as Samuel needed help identifying God’s voice, so we need others to help us identify the voice of God. This week, Mission Saint James welcomes Dean Horace Tipton as we wrestle with what it means to be active listeners to the voice of God.

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Beloved of God
Ben Williams Ben Williams

Beloved of God

Have you ever felt like you were a disappointment to God? This week’s gospel passage is the baptism of Jesus. In this major event in the life of Jesus, the Father declares that Jesus is his beloved Son and in Him, he is well pleased. Join Fr. Ben Williams as he expounds on this important gospel event. Because the Christian is in the Son, we too are well-beloved children of the God of the universe.

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The Whole Christ for the Whole You
Ben Williams Ben Williams

The Whole Christ for the Whole You

Why did Jesus come as a human being? Couldn’t he have redeemed us some other way? The incarnation of the Son of God has many implications for us, but perhaps the most important is that he came to redeem our entire being, not just the invisible parts. On this First Sunday of Christmas, Fr. Ben Williams reminds us that we don’t have to escape our physical existence; even our bodies will be redeemed.

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Ben Williams Ben Williams


How are we to find joy when there is so much wrong in the world? This is the question Advent asks us every year. The Third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday. It marks the middle of the Advent season and means rejoice. This week, Dcn. Kevin Vailes encourages us to rejoice, even in the space between the first coming of Christ and his return, where sorrow threatens to steal our joy.

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Comfort My People
Ben Williams Ben Williams

Comfort My People

The Bible is a story about God’s love for his people. It is a bit of a romantic comedy. Not a comedy because it makes us laugh, but a comedy in the sense that it ends well. Advent is a season of anticipation and waiting. We know that Christ has already come, but we await his return. We wait in hope, knowing that man can be reconciled to God and at peace with his Maker. Join us as we listen in on the beginning of Mark’s gospel when John the Baptist prepares the way for the Lord.

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Stay Awake!
Ben Williams Ben Williams

Stay Awake!

The season of Advent is about waiting. It is about anticipation. Ultimately, Advent is about hope. This week, we begin to observe the season of Advent, which marks the beginning of the Christian year. In the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, the celebration of the incarnation of the Word of God, we move from hope to joy to peace to love. Join us this week for the beginning of this journey as we reflect on Jesus’ teaching about his second Advent.

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Christ Is Your King
Ben Williams Ben Williams

Christ Is Your King

Who do you serve? We all must ask this question. We either serve ourselves or we serve our Creator. This Sunday marks the end of the Christian Year as we celebrate the kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ. In a world full of rivals to our Lord’s kingship, it can be difficult to discern who we serve. Even our own selves vie for our worship, but only King Jesus promises an easy yoke and a light burden.

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A Look Ahead
Ben Williams Ben Williams

A Look Ahead

What lies in our future? To what work has the Lord called Mission Saint James? As we wrap up our first year of weekly services, Fr. Ben shares our vision for what our future together might look like. As a church that seeks to be a place for the wanderer to dwell, the possibilities are endless. Join us as we take a look ahead, not only to the next year together but much further beyond.

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Preparing for the Feast
Ben Williams Ben Williams

Preparing for the Feast

What does it mean to be a casual Christian? How can we follow Jesus wisely and avoid folly? This week’s gospel passage is Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins. As we near the end of the Christian year, Jesus has some sobering words for all who are invited to the wedding feast: bring extra oil for your lamps. Join us as Fr. Ben Williams encourages us to get ready for the feast.

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